[Gtk2hs-users] Example of using pixbufSave
Bram Neijt
2014-08-19 15:44:22 UTC

I'm a Haskell beginner and wanted to use gtk2hs to load, scale and
save a jpeg image.

The code I have so far is:

import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Pixbuf
import System.Glib.UTFString
import qualified Data.Text as T

jpegImageFormat :: ImageFormat
jpegImageFormat = pixbufGetFormats !! 6

pixbufSaveJpeg :: Pixbuf -> FilePath -> IO()
pixbufSaveJpeg pb toPath =
pixbufSave pb toPath jpegImageFormat []

scaleFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
scaleFile fromPath toPath = do
original <- pixbufNewFromFile fromPath
scaled <- pixbufScaleSimple original 800 800 InterpHyper
putStrLn toPath
pixbufSaveJpeg scaled toPath

main = scaleFile "hanginthere.jpg" "scaledinthere.jpg"

The ghc 7.8.3 will complains with:

No instance for (GlibString string0)
arising from a use of ‘pixbufSave’
The type variable ‘string0’ is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance GlibString T.Text -- Defined in ‘System.Glib.UTFString’
instance GlibString [Char] -- Defined in ‘System.Glib.UTFString’
In the expression: pixbufSave pb toPath jpegImageFormat []
In an equation for ‘pixbufSaveJpeg’:
pixbufSaveJpeg pb toPath = pixbufSave pb toPath jpegImageFormat []

How can I solve this? Are there any examples of using pixbufSave?


Antonin Delpeuch (lists)
2014-08-19 15:52:22 UTC

With GTK 3 (gtk2hs, this code compiles fine (at least on my
system). Which version of gtk2hs are you using?

Post by Bram Neijt
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Pixbuf
import System.Glib.UTFString
import qualified Data.Text as T
jpegImageFormat :: ImageFormat
jpegImageFormat = pixbufGetFormats !! 6
pixbufSaveJpeg :: Pixbuf -> FilePath -> IO()
pixbufSaveJpeg pb toPath =
pixbufSave pb toPath jpegImageFormat []
scaleFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
scaleFile fromPath toPath = do
original <- pixbufNewFromFile fromPath
scaled <- pixbufScaleSimple original 800 800 InterpHyper
putStrLn toPath
pixbufSaveJpeg scaled toPath
main = scaleFile "hanginthere.jpg" "scaledinthere.jpg"
2014-08-19 16:25:14 UTC

Since gtk2hs 0.13, every function that used to be fed with a String, can now be fed with either a String or a Text.
This was implemented using the typeclass GlibString that has 2 instances: String and Text.
In your case, GHC was unable to deduce alone which one to use for the last argument of pixbufSave: the value [] doesn't help disambiguating between [(String, String)] and [(Text, Text)].
To fix it, simply write the type explicitly:

pixbufSave pb toPath jpegImageFormat ([] :: [(T.Text, T.Text)])

